
- The most vulnerable areas of the head

It’s no secret to any martial artist that certain parts of the human body are more vulnerable than others. What’s critically important, on the other hand, is how to strike that particular area for maximum effect.

First of all, where NOT to hit. Ever see a martial artist break bricks with his head? There’s a reason he uses the top of his head. Being solid bone (and very hard to injure), the top of the head is the hardest part of the body. There are, however, five areas of the head you CAN strike that will cause an opponent to stop fighting.

The Eyes. Arguably THE most sensitive part of the head, a strike to the eyes can cause serious damage, and as such, should be limited to using only in life-threatening situations. A straight punch, palm heel, or elbow strike can all cause permanent eyesight damage. Even more damaging, is the use of an eye jab, which can end a fight in less than 5 seconds.

The Ears. This is a target often overlooked in a fight, but the ears are extremely sensitive. A cupped palm, hook-punch, or palm heel can immediately disorient your assailant and cause him to completely lose his balance. Remember, the inner ear controls our equilibrium, so a move like a two-handed clap on your attacker’s ears can be devastatingly painful, and have immediate effect.

The Nose. Probably the most obvious, a nose strike has long been known to immediately make your opponent’s eyes water and disorient him. It’s fairly easy to break someone’s nose with a strong forearm, punch, or palm heel.

The Mouth. Another obvious, yet misunderstood target is the mouth. While a sensitive area, it’s very easy to get cut by an assailant’s teeth. Believe it or not, the harmful bacteria in someone’s mouth can put you at risk of severe infection. Use caution if striking at someone’s open mouth.

The Neck. Last but not least is the neck. A well-placed strike to the neck can easily render someone unconscious, and/or even be fatal. Most martial arts use strikes to the side of the neck, since they are less lethal. A forearm or hammer fist (bottom of fist) striking the side of someone’s neck can usually knock them out instantly, as it shocks the nerves traveling to the brain.

Understanding these targets and practicing your martial arts techniques, can make you that much more effective when and if you need to use your martial arts in a real-life situation.